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05/26/21 4:56 PM

#375178 RE: Da Kine 17 #375176

Hey dumb fuck now dig deeper. Fauci had no control over how the funds were directed.


05/26/21 5:03 PM

#375180 RE: Da Kine 17 #375176

As several of us have pointed out your sources are for shit with content that only fools credulous morons.

Overall, we rate Bizpac Review Right Biased based on story selection and editorial position that almost always favor the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to poor sources, misleading loaded language, and three failed fact checks.

Analysis / Bias

In review, Bizpac Review covers news and opinion content with a strong conservative Republican bias. They also have a people section covering commentary and news about other conservatives such as Donald Trump, Kellyanne Conway, and Laura Ingraham, all of which have poor records with fact-checkers.

Story selection always favors the right and utilizes loaded emotional wording such as this: Speaker makes big mistake of addressing crowd as ‘guys’ at Dem Socialists of America convention. This story is sourced to video followed by biased commentary with loaded wording such as this: “Not that Comrade Jackson didn’t begin by noting his preferred pronouns — but this was AFTER he addressed the room as “guys.”

When not reporting negatively on Democrats, they frequently glorify Donald Trump and other conservatives with positive wording: Trump suggests combo gun and immigration action to make something ‘GREAT, come out of two tragic events.

This story is reported with mostly neutral wording using quotes from the President, which differs greatly from their reporting on the left, which offers strong opinions.

Editorially, Bizpac Review almost always favors the right. They also republish content from the factually Mixed Daily Caller.

Failed Fact Checks

Says Sen. John McCain was “caught making highly illegal phone call to foreign country.” – FALSE
“Breaking: Shep Smith to be canned because he can’t control his hate for Donald Trump.” – PANTS ON FIRE
President Barack Obama “ordered our military to enlist illegal aliens.” – MOSTLY FALSE
“Washington DC’s mayor is exempting members of Congress who attended John Lewis’ funeral in Georgia from her mandatory 14-day quarantine. Let that sink in,” – False