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05/22/21 5:33 AM

#374765 RE: stock_observer_77 #374764

Trump's mishandled response to CV, because he didn't want to panic us and because he downplayed it, resulted in the wrecked economy and the loss of his job, deservedly.

Vaxxes plus the roughly 30 M who had mild cases of COVID....look it up...have brought us closer to herd immunity than vaxxes by themselves.

You have no idea how long the bounce will be or when interest rates will rise.

Junk science and junk economics are all that you Trumpanzees have to offer.


05/22/21 9:18 AM

#374771 RE: stock_observer_77 #374764

K Shaped economy.....God forbid the economy ever work for everyone again...

Come on Man


05/24/21 9:57 AM

#374859 RE: stock_observer_77 #374764

Economy was booming under Trump until CV fact!!

tRUMP put his splotch signature on the Ryan tax cut. Another version of the trickle down economics. Yeah a sugar high to the large corporations due to the corporate tax rate cuts. An increased federal deficit results.

Then tRUMP not understanding global economics decided to start a trade war with China. Take your blinders off, and go back to 2018-2019. He created all kinds of FUD with his reality show theater. The stock market being jerked around from one day to the next. Turning some of the sugar rancid.

There followed inverted yield curves in the bond market. A sign the market is worried about a forthcoming recession. Instead we get a Covid recession first.

There is your FACT.

Herd immunity failed so they are forced to open up

What planet have you been living on? The US had 200K new cases just as the mRNA vaccines were approved under EUA. Yesterday 13K cases. Things are opening up, because the infection rate is down huge. That is due to vaccination. Period.

Come on Man! I can't get you all vaccinated like I thought.

So give us the solution Biden should implement to force the anti-VAXers to get vaccinated. If you are going to bitch about things, then what's the solution? What would your cult demigod do to FORCE the 20-30% hold outs to get vaccinated? Well???

There are no shortages of vaccine.

Come on Man!

Com'on tRUMP cultist - what's your program for forced vaccination?