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05/19/21 12:57 PM

#374501 RE: BullNBear52 #374476

What's interesting is this is a microcosm of how the big energy conducts a media campaign against anyone bringing facts and dangerous issues to the table. The oil co's will publish article for article with the exact opposite claims and attempting to debunk all scientific data against them with their own internal 'scientists'. They have been working this pipe all along since 2010. Part of their goal was to get to a construct point right at the problem spot and then say, well we got this far it wouldn't be fair to us to make us change or stop.

It's like driving the family to Burger king when they all wanted Mcdonalds and saying, well I'm here now so were going in anyways.

It's an absolute lie that the keystone would have done anything at all about a reliance on foreign oil when it's mostly known that better than 60/70 percent of all American produced product is sold overseas. Big energy does not make its profit with citizens of America. Never did.

Unlike many Arabic producers, where their citizens usually enjoy lower prices. Usually.