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05/19/21 10:38 AM

#374468 RE: BullNBear52 #374463

So Texans lost jobs? Great! More American Jobs Shipped Overseas as Biden continues to destroy the American Economy....breathtaking leadership.

Also, the Keystone is an EXAMPLE of how Oil flows in this country, pipelines are the safest, most efficient way to transport oil.

Canceling projects like this ONLY serves to hurt our American Communities as Joe obviously has no problem, and apparently, neither do you.

Joes isn't paying for gas though, what does he care? As long as China is happy, Joe is happY!


05/19/21 11:17 AM

#374482 RE: BullNBear52 #374463

That's past the comprehension level of-zoom zoom boy

For starters that oil was never going to be used in the USA.

It was going to be refined in TX and then sold overseas.

Just like his demigod hero tRUMP from all appearances was US anti-oil in deed or action.

First he wanted a strong USD, making US oil more expensive in overseas markets. Less US oil sold, then hits the balance of payments.

Then tRUMP wanted the Saudis to flood the US with their oil. Depressing prices for domestic oil producers.

Classic was tRUMP claiming the US was oil independent due to his administration, and was now exporting oil. The ban on US oil exports came off during the Obama administration. And the US was still not oil independent. Something about PADD-3 refineries preferring Saudi heavy over light US oil.

tRUMP really make a big deal over the Keystone. And zoom zoom boy slurped it up. Then again, can't be too ruff on zoom zoom boy, because tRUMP probably didn't understand the concept of the free trade zone either, and how it related to oil in the US.