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05/18/21 5:52 PM

#41499 RE: harr449 #41495

She doesn't knows much??????????????????????????
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05/18/21 5:54 PM

#41505 RE: harr449 #41495

i am laughing at the spin by shareholders regarding this entire proceeding. the controller for retc is doing splendidly well. she is very sharp and believable. i would be surprised if sharp wins this. the company clearly has 12 employees and they have secured an auditor to get them current. there is zero reason for a judge to turn this company over to sharp. the controller clearly stated that he contacted the company to request a position with the company to help them get current. he wanted to get paid and they didn't have the money, so he just filed the custodianship, based on what she said. that is not a reason to turn over the reigns of the company to him. i think him maintaining custodianship is a long shot, if the judge is at all fair. retc is not unlike many struggling otc companies out there, and you can't go granting custodianship to a company with an active management. the company has it's own plan for its future, which the controller says is not aligned with what sharp's plans are. so, i dont' why a judge would deem it in the company's best interest to grant custodianship to gs.