This was McMeekin's response to the analysts question re Q1 revs during the Q4 CC:
"It's a good question, so what I don't have a good feel for is, in March, how much billable technical
services we did, because we saw we got a little bit above $1 million in Q4 in technical services. We
started off January, it’s like—December, everyone got excited, Jack, and then it was like, January,
everyone shut down again, so technical services went from things might be getting better to almost zero
in January; so it started picking up, literally, I don't mean this to be joking, but Valentine's Day is when
we actually saw pickup in activity again, so we won't have the benefit of January being overly billed from
a technical services point of view, which is the projects line. Obviously, the recurring revenue is the
recurring revenue, and we are connecting assets at the back end of March. So, is it going to be down? I
don't think so. Could it be about the same as Q4? Maybe. Could it be up? That's our goal."
The highlighted part caught my attention. Why just the back-end of March? Perhaps he meant "accelerated" in the back-end of March. Also, having only done $1M of Proj Serv rev in Q4, why would that be the main concern on whether you would top Q4 revs? Take Proj Serv to $0 in Q1 and you should still top the total rev number based just on recurring rev growth. And let's face it, McMeekin ain't the sandbagging type.