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05/18/21 9:50 AM

#25809 RE: Stock_Gambit #25794

Good point SG. That is probably the case. Good luck to them and good opportunity for longs to buy at these levels. I'm not moving a bit. I learned my lesson with TSNP. Stay put.


05/18/21 10:41 AM

#25912 RE: Stock_Gambit #25794

Stock gambit: thank you w/r/t the tweet. ha, not gonna be quick. ok. he made me a liar cause i figured it'd be quick.

hmmmm, eliot kung fu vewy vewy strong

hurry up and wait it is then. fine. i ainta goin nowhere till the obese woman bursts into song. then we can trade in our tickets for the show.

dun Dunnnn DUNNNNNN

Life Hack
If one experiences an event that would cause a bruise, rub the area vigorously, for minute or more, to move the energy. There will be no bruise, and not, or not as sore as it normally would be. If one smashes ones thumb with a hammer (not recommended) rub it out for a good twenty minutes. Focus on hand/thumb area, and also entire arm. You won’t lose your nail, and it will not be nearly as sore because you are moving the energy. Individual mileage can, will, and does vary.