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05/15/21 5:23 PM

#165450 RE: daemon57 #165413

D57 “ There may be things going on behind the scenes “.

After all this time, let’s hope there are things going on behind the scenes! Isn’t that what most companies do? Isn’t that a reasonable expectation for shareholders? Companies work on things, get a result and then announce achievements.

A confident CEO wouldn’t feel the need to announce things they “hope” they are going to do... “hopefully we are going to submit an application “ ? Seriously ?

What kind of mind believes announcing things you are THINKING about doing is important and worth announcing to shareholders? Especially in an almost $2b company. These “Hopefully, are going to do, God willing,”statements are as useless as NP just reciting the alphabet. On second thought that may actually be beneficial for some shareholders.

These shenanigans are MISLEADING ON PURPOSE! NP knows many retail investors are naive and will latch on to these comments as facts. Because we all want these statements to be true, we hear what we want to hear. When what he implies does not happen; and his proclamations NEVER ACTUALLY DO HAPPEN, he then walks it back, because he said “hopefully”. What is hilarious is that some people still take what NP says as Gospel and fall,for it over and over and over again. Even funnier when he is call outed some folks get mad at the fact checker. Direct you ire where it belongs, on the CEO and BOD for continual undelivered promises.


05/16/21 1:06 PM

#165538 RE: daemon57 #165413

How many times does Nader have to lie before you stop giving him the benefit of the doubt? In addition to being a liar, Nader is incompetent, arrogant, and narcissistic. He still thinks CYDY is his company to do with as he pleases. All of this combined makes for a very dangerous combination for shareholders. It's high time the BOD did their job and get someone else in as CEO.