People "buy shares in anticipation of PRs?" and "sell into any price increases..." While that might sound interesting it's nevertheless opinion NOT based on facts.
No one can speak in behalf of other people's buying and or selling habits as to wherein their motivations/expectations lie.
Yes it's undeniable that the ARknet APP/Platform is improving with each build.
Share price or similar discussion is NOT allowed on the KlickZie ARknet Founders Group Board. The "prospects" are so dismal and remote as far as financial improvement or the likely outcome of such happening, that the list of shareholders on record which was in the 7,000 range is now in the 8,000+ range. The numbers of those interested in the company are increasing NOT decreasing which one would expect to happen if indeed such an OPINION such as was presented were accurate.
Thank goodness that opinions on discussion boards are not what runs companies.