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Garden Rose

05/14/21 12:16 PM

#1734 RE: DragonBear #1730

So, be happy that you are vaccinated, you have no need for therapeutics.


05/14/21 12:51 PM

#1738 RE: DragonBear #1730

Balonga I have not put the "control mask" on one time- I have gone in any store I wanted they did not stop me they cannot stop me . I have had 30% on my direct workers get "covid" cause they got "the test"
I have yet to get it but if I go today feeling good tell them I am having trouble breathing they will test me and bingo I would have Covid. Its a weak ass flu virus that was weaponized by the CDC WHO and MSM who will all be charged with crimes against humanity.

This was a total bullshit scam to allow mail in ballots which are currently being culled after forensic testing -THE GIG IS UP !
Covid did not kill anymore people than the year before covid.
Now the Vaccine is actually is deadly and anyone taking it should seek out a medbed that will be coming out next month -if of course you live that long. Some die in days, some weeks, some next year.

janice shell

05/14/21 7:08 PM

#1758 RE: DragonBear #1730

CDC now recommends those vaccinated don't need to wear masks inside/outside.

On a somewhat related note... I went out shopping today. Went to the liquor store, a convenience store, a supermarket, and Whole Foods.

Inside those places, I didn't see a single person not wearing a mask. I did see a few maskless walking around outside, but that's not problematic. Around here, people take COVID seriously.