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learning curve

05/14/21 2:16 AM

#47 RE: learning curve #46

In the mean time; im gambling I can make the market....and I’d like to $32
This is based on the premises that the market (post produce / production) will be about $400k daily pre-facilitation factors....which would equal about 120k shares at $10, 60k shares at $20 and 40k shares at $30.
Wound tightly enough....oh it already is, but it will no longer be soon...

So....before the market makers can produce a market; I’m trying to make a market for them to find production....
I can’t’s just a matter of how much I make...2x, 6x???15x???
All prior to production!

Post production is another story (not novel)....
The story carries 2x-4x at 18 months
I can’t lose even if ...

The novel....they haven’t finished writing it, that would be $3.50 share to $60++ share
At 18-36 months from now
(3.50 includes loan covmemeant failure....I live for and love nightmares that would take 2 years to materialize)!!!

It’s simple stupid math!
Horse races at 10/1, but only lose 50%....
Try that 10 times and the finish line is already determined!
And that’s after excluding 18 months a coma...
s long as you don’t fear missing out! Lol!