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05/13/21 3:42 PM

#4570 RE: TheGuy87 #4568

to dispose of that 75 barrel of water
cost about $300.00 at a disposable site and add trucking and labor


05/13/21 11:32 PM

#4585 RE: TheGuy87 #4568

Sorry this was replied to the genius. 75 billion barrels of disposal. it's fracked into the ground in TX you asshole! laws? what? me TX! it's oil country dipshitz.

billion barrels!? HMMM. I wonder how many barrels of oil float up on top of 75 bbls of water?

go on math whiz. what is the F answer to that? have you ever looked at a 50/50 bottle of oil and vinegar?

Gosh i hope you aren't the legit land owner. they will probably hand you a 10 grand cashier's check and you will look at them all astonished that that that "they EVEN PAID ME."

holy dipshizt batman. WTMF HELL FIRE?!

4.50 a share is probably lowballing. what a bunch of asshat lowlife shrink your share price devil money cucks?!