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Wise Man

05/13/21 2:05 AM

#677915 RE: kthomp19 #677908

kthomp19 is the guy called MIDAS on Twitter.
I blocked him long time ago, and he just tweets that people should block me on Twitter.
He claims in this post that the increase in the Liquidation Preference

is actually a nothingburger and isn't worth worrying about.

Oh, boy. So, increasing a debenture for free isn't worth worrying about.
Let's hand out SPS to every citizen in America. Yuhuuuu!! Money for free!

FnF should post an offset (reduction of Retained Earnings, once other accounts are exhausted) when they increase the SPS for free. I filed a SEC complaint about this issue.

This guy also claims in the PlusOneCoin post, that the CET1 is

FnF's combined CET1 capital right now is around -$4M.

When it's -$184 billion. The Core Capital that FnF report every quarter is -$150 billion, less the $33 billion JPS.