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05/12/21 12:19 PM

#373368 RE: DrHarleyboy #373366

Would you admit you're against the vaccine? You love tRump and want to meet him? Then it would be safe to say, not only do you not believe in a covid vaccine, you don't even wear a mask in your alleged doctors office.

Do you have a tRump flag in your office.

If you're actually a alleged doctor, what matchbook school did you pay fro the certificate. I want to get one.
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05/12/21 12:24 PM

#373374 RE: DrHarleyboy #373366

You f'ng idiot. What's different now from the past 24 years?

Cohen spilling his guts out and....

Trump's CFO's ex-daughter-in-law is cooperating with prosecutors and 'refuses to be silenced,' her lawyer says

Icing on the cake? Rudy will be squeezed hard, bigly, to roll over on Trump.

AND the SDNY has Trumps tax returns, which Trump lied to us about making public over the past now 5 years.

You are a special breed of moral imbecile, not to mention willfully ignorant/in denial about all of the above.
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05/12/21 2:24 PM

#373427 RE: DrHarleyboy #373366

You are showing your stupidity since you missed a few points.

Manafort probably would have never got caught except for the fact that he owed the Russians big time and was willing to work for free for Trump while he was passing polling data to the Russians.

All that said the GOP slashed and burned the IRS budget so they eliminated many revenue officers who would have figured out Trump long ago.

Trump's only hope when he realized he had the potential to get screwed was to run for president and continue to cash in on his tax avoidance.

Then of course he needed to win re-election hoping that the statutes would run out the clock in NYS.

And now dear boy he is about to get fucked by Rudy's old SDNY.