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01/21/07 7:36 PM

#3368 RE: ChaosMaster #3364

OT: OT: I remember when the new DIA was out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by farmland (land that had been sold about 5 times, if I recall, to make the price higher, and some pockets heavier) before it was sold to become the airport...and there was one 2 lane road into the airport, and a couple of RR tracks that crossed really had to PLAN AHEAD, using the train schedules, to make sure they got to the airport on time!!!!!

My friend in Sedona is paraplegiac--wheel chair bound, now, as well--how come you guys insist on living in the mountains? where it snows and there are big hills? He is a musician, who when living in Tahiti for a while, was in a motorcycle accident which broke his back...he used to force himself to use his crutches as much as he could, but now MUST be in his wheelchair all the time....and I had my own space in his house, as I was his manager, promoter, blah blah for a while, and worked it out so that he could make money with his music with a distributor doing the work instead of him....and he has a recording studio in his home, and really doesn't need to go anywhere, (except to the grocery store) if he doesn't want to...lives by himself, too! which is pretty amazing to me! in a house!

So, I know how difficult that can be, for you, when it snows and blizzards....I had a feeling...Say, did you ever hear a radio personality named 'Rockin Robin" out there in Colorado?
She was a friend of mine...I met here while living in Oregon, then I moved to Houston, then voila', so did she, then she moved on to Denver....last time I talked to her was when I was on a cross country flying vacation, and and stayed with her and her THEN husby (he is a police officer) for about a week..she and her husband took me to a restaurant in the mountains where they cut off your necktie if you are wearing one, as you walk in the door! WEll, Carol and Dennis decided to play a joke on me...I used to live on Oahu, and the year before this particular trip, a few (9) of my friends put together a b-day party for me in Hawaii...and I became the tour guide) during which we had an oyster eating contest on the booze cruise.... so they knew that I liked oysters...well, they asked me if I had ever had Rocky Mountain probably know the rest of the story....big big joke they pulled on me, and after I ate the first one--SLOWLY after I learned what it was, Carol offered me the last one in hte was really easy for me to say 'No Thank YOu'! and in a polite way too.....ahhhh, the good old days.....

I know that we are expecting some bad weather, but for some reason, like I said before, we get an inch, while everyone else gets 3 or 4...I don;t know why we are so lucky here--perhaps I speak too soon.