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05/11/21 12:33 PM

#1413 RE: Garden Rose #1412

The odds of dying after getting a COVID-19 vaccine are virtually nonexistent.

According to recent data from the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, you're three times more likely to get struck by lightning.

Besides that, the vaccine isn't a cure against mortality.


05/11/21 2:38 PM

#1420 RE: Garden Rose #1412

You overlooked those that have died after taking the vaccine.

There have been none proven to be associated with the mRNA vaccines. The closest a potential mRNA vaccine death came to was a Florida physician died of severe idiopathic thrombocytopenia (ITP). There have been no mass reports of ITP. In fact few if any since.

There's nothing to "overlook". With ANY vaccine that generates serious side effects, those side effects will show up in the first 6 months. So where are they? No, a person with advanced coronary disease, dying 5 days after vaccination of heart failure, in a VAERS report does not mean a mRNA vaccine suddenly is the primary cause. Rather it's a non-cause.

So where are the "those" who died?

Again, one child should not die due to irresponsible adults.

Agreed! A child should not have to die from polio, diphtheria, tetanus, pneumonia or suffer long term effects from mumps, measles, chickenpox simply because their adult parents were irresponsible, and did not vaccinate them. Neither should they die from Covid, because their adult(?) parents are part of an anti-VAX cult.

Not one child should die from side effects when their risks of dying of Covid are less than the vaccine.

How many links do you want of children dying from Covid? Now provide one of an adult dying from a mRNA vaccine.

Responsible adults do not put children in mortal danger

Correct. They vaccinate their children.

especially with a vaccine that is in an experimental stage. There is a reason why the FDA has not approved the vaccine.

The mRNA vaccines were approved by the FDA under the EUA for emergency use. Pfizer has already announced they will submit a rolling BLA to the FDA for marketing approval. As in permanent marketing approval. The data to be filed will be that from their continuing Phase 3 clinical trial. Which is continuing to monitor safety, and efficacy. They will request accelerated approval, with FDA approval possible within 6 months. At that point the "experimental" tag is removed. Moderna will also be seeking BLA approval. J&J trails the field.

Would appreciate you reporting in here yearly as to your situation

Since I plan to take the Moderna mRNA-1273.351 booster (3rd jab) as soon as it receives EUA approval in the Fall, could we cut the reporting time back to 6 months? And exactly what is suppose to be reported? A sore arm is sort of boring isn't it?