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05/10/21 2:50 PM

#19165 RE: gfp927z #19157


In a deflationary environment these last 40 years bonds have done well had you timed that investment. Ask Buffett why he has the largest cash horde in his history. The massive INFLATION jolt will hit us this year! Impossible to prevent it. FED keeping artificially low rates as commodity pressure will go thru the roof! Perfect scenario for a huge POP in stocks.

The absurdity of this market had GAMESTOP and DOGECOIN at values that make Tulips purchases at it's peak reasonable. BITCOIN has no intrinsic value, no backing, no regulations, and when Unlace Sam decides to expose the holders of these coins the Black Market will run and dump.

Hello, anyone home? Just because the herd believes the world is flat and earth center of universe doesn't make it so. Take the last 4 years of the GOP. I cringe to write the list since it is so embarrassing and stark I can declare here and now we are living thru the end game of USA as a power. Collusion with Russia as PROVEN by the Mueller Report. AG Barr under possible criminal charges for LYING to a Federal JUDGE. Overthrows attempt by our own dictator? Even tried to hang his VP? Jim Crow laws that make the 50's tame in comparison. Recounting yet again the AZ ballots using TRUMP Qanon company and shady criminal characters.

I can list so many fantasy sci fi novels that can't come close to this reality. And yet we talk as if everything is NORMAL? I guess i now know how Germany allowed 12 year reign of HITLER! He had over an 80% popularity in 1939. We have repeated the same lunacy distortions hate and bigotry. I mean had i written a Theseus Paper and dissertation on the subject i would have received glowing review.

What will survive the next great depression? Not much. The world debt level is so large that only a 40 year deflationary spiral could achieve this. Expecting negative rates soon? I see 40 years of a one way path easily drawn and in a specific trajectory. Betting it lasts forever is beyond foolish.

Get back to me, ya hear?


05/10/21 3:11 PM

#19167 RE: gfp927z #19157

10 year treasury within 12 months time: Yield at 3%.

Easy call given the FED shut it's eyes and covered it's nose.

Already commodities at 7 year HIGH! Reopening world markets and FAST!
3 helicopter trips dumping money, extremely low borrowing costs, can't find qualified workers to fill those positions, infrastructure trillions, and easy money made on Bitcoin, GameStop, index funds, etc...

I had my parents dump all stocks in 1987 and bought double digit 30 year yields. Deflation lasing now 40 years and counting! Ask BUFFETT what he is doing with his money. You know the old man that lost his way and is clueless. His indicators are at extremes never seen before. NEVER!

But hey, what do i know. Hang Pence gest huge endorsement. Treasonous dictator here get endorsed by GOP and his loyalist voters. The new norm?

Baby when this goes it will go and go and go.