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05/09/21 8:33 PM

#743 RE: 12yearplan #742

Conspiracy is the excuse of excuses. Everything is a conspiracy. How many Federal Reserve governors did we vote for? CDC? Was the world reserve currencies on a timer or plan for their failures? I've been nailing oil coincidences for a few months. Luck or conspiracy? Maybe when history is read it is not understood. History itself is not repeated but the trends are. Immense oil prices are due as is war. Tomorrow? Maybe not but kinda soon.... year or two or so probably. Oil will be soon.

One person is not a conspiracy. Two or more is. If you look at the results of recent history they can be plugged directly into several periods rom way way back... and dozens of times. A conspiracy is a plan. These are plans. The way money moves among markets and banks. That is no accident. It is no coincidence. Lumber goes up several hundred percent. Copper goes up 50%. Gold goes up 7%. That is not coincidence. That is a plan - conspiracy.

When in history has banks been forgiving LIBORs? When in history has the Federal Reserve and US Treasury worked in the same accounts? Conspiracy posed as a question demonstrates a lack of knowledge in what is going on.

Is the G7 currency plan a conspiracy? Sure it is. And it affords clean slates when completed. China and India have been test running for a year or more. Do you think bank runs and riots all over the world are conspiracies? Hell, yeah. Are bank bail-ins a conspiracy? Fuck yeah. And here in the US several times. Why did Obama reinstitute those laws? Conspiracy? You can bet your ass. Ya can't open a Hill-McGraw history book and expect epiphanies to fall in your lap. You did and dig at graduate skool tenacity and depth. Ya don't guess. Ya get out of the spacecraft and walk around. Ya get yer head out of yer ass. Note trends. They will repeat. And over and over and over.

Even the Roman fall was accompanied with inflation. And by design. The church required members to divide their silver coins and then give most of it to the government. Was that conspiracy? With capital letters.

It is all planned. That makes it all conspiracy.