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05/09/21 5:36 PM

#372987 RE: fuagf #372979

Well, Its the larger corps that eat the good smaller corps up...Or so its gone for the past decades....And when someone does come up with a great startup,,its easy to sell out to the big guy and retire.. Lol

But you make a fair point in a sense,,,new smaller corps are starting and looking out for their employees in exchange for loyal work...Farmers like coffee grows are beginning to create cooperatives and pooling their resource power..

Unfortunately any time you are frugal, you are most likely supporting the bad guys, which all too many are forced to do because of the disparity the large corps create...(Go figure, Ill leave it to you to describe that better)

Support the good guys, like Whole Foods, its out of reach of the many (and Amazon bought them out..we'll see) Farmers markets are expanding but they have a long way to go and may yet fail..

Back to the future, you have SpaceX, Tesla,...which are making the bloated corps and bureaucracies look bad...But is Musk a role model?
He is revolutionizing electric vehicles, bringing them to the forefront, but dems seem to have thjs not in my backyard element about him and his covid comments...But he couldn't move forward without the corporate structure......

Perhaps case by case....And back to your point about monopolies which are never good....Corps that buy others up and own countless companies to pillage them,,,,Bad corps that make it impossible for the fair minded ones to compete....

So for the most part, I stick to my guns, for the most part, corps are out of control and when you crunch the numbers and their overall effect, there is little doubt..

Yet, like so many are taken in by modern political propaganda, all too many are taken in by corporate propaganda and they don't see they are just as bad as the others, nay worse, for they are the ones that should know better and are just too comfortable to look beyond that comfort and blame those that have been taken from...Its just easier to blame and move on, or so its gone for the past 50 yrs and now we are reaching the crisis point that comes with the effect of corporate excess..,of%20advertising%2C%20marketing%2C%20politics%2C%20history%2C%20and%20public%20relations.