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Jimmy Joe

05/09/21 4:31 PM

#30228 RE: Stockman1010101 #30225

Thank you Stockman1010101 (Our resident APE Dear Abby of this $AMC message board).
Your answer was one any new investor or current investor(APE) in $ACM should consider due to the current and potentially volatile near term future.
One thing if I may add to your superb post is that if any chickens are sold for $500 for an investment in $AMC, and if one is lucky enough to buy those
shares and become an $ACM APE, one should HODL (Hold On for Dear Life) to those bought $AMC bananas.

Thank you Stockman1010101,

No longer Dazed, Confused, and Chicken Abused.....

Jimmy Joe

$AMC baby~!