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05/09/21 4:54 PM

#372981 RE: Koog #372973

You're misconstruing my comment. The POSTERS, you know who they are, are the ones attributing views to other posters that they do not hold while at the same time forecasting a ridiculous dystopian future because the libs are in power.

Below is what followed the sentence you're losing your shit over. I didn't write the review not any of the other critical comments about the book. You saw how Paul Ryan back-tracked on what he said about the influence on him.

He was notably dependent on the Federal government beginning with SS survivor benefits and extending through his employment by the same government. Objectivism my ass, more like I've got mine and I'm going to cut yours. THAT was his ethos culled from Rand's books.

In this fictional world, everyone (especially CEOs of major corporations) has inexplicably turned into a liberal who thinks greed is evil and we should share everything with each other.

They make speeches that no one would ever make to defend laws that no one would ever pass. There is no criticism of socialism or the Soviet Union or taxes or unions or anything that actually exists.

Instead Rand goes to battle against phantom ideologies that only exist in her head. The main laws are rules that forbid companies from competing with each other, that force steel mills to share their steel with everyone who asks for it and the climax is Directive 10-289 which freezes the economy.

No one is allowed change job, no one can open a new business or close an existing one, and no one is allowed to invent anything new. Production must be the exact same as it was last year and prices, wages, dividends and even how much people spend must also be fixed and not allowed to change. Why anyone would pass this law is beyond me and it is not clear what it is supposed to be a criticism of.
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05/09/21 5:15 PM

#372985 RE: Koog #372973

In fact, you are offering a straw man argument yourself.

Not the old straw man argument again.

God that is getting so old.