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Scooter McCabe

05/08/21 3:10 PM

#29050 RE: 10nisman #29049

Plenty of M&A talks stay behind closed doors and never make it to the media. You clearly have not worked in the field as the repercussions for such discussions leaking out can be dire.

But again more of the same from our resident garbage man.


05/08/21 6:29 PM

#29054 RE: 10nisman #29049

Yeah no **** executive team and lawyers know. What does that have to do with anything? My point is, you, as a common place village idiot have no idea what is going on. On rare occasion a rumor is leaked, but if a company runs a right ship, you won’t hear about it until it’s done deal. You’re just a troll and I’m OK feeding you some attention you seek here and there.


05/08/21 9:53 PM

#29064 RE: 10nisman #29049

10 (you are really a 1), if you were who you claim to be, then you are well aware that most sale processes begin in very subtle moves, usually not involving any investment bankers, or as you infer, barkers.

If one of those were asked to be inquiring as to a sale potential by the selling company and it was revealed prematurely that the selling company was up for sale prior to the CEO/Board declaring such, the investment barkers would be out on its ear and, in all likelihood, viewed negatively for a period of time.

For all we know, CD will have dinner next week with one of his CEO friends and strike a deal at an attractive price … and with no barkers, er, bankers around. It’s happened before and will again.

P.S. I’ve been involves in M&A and there is NO set pattern because no two CEO’s are the same … and in the end, s/he controls the process.