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05/07/21 5:24 PM

#372768 RE: hookrider #372764

Trump was in a position to learn a lot of things...

“Peace IS the prize”
~Donald Trump

“LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Former U.S. basketball star Dennis Rodman, one of a handful of Westerners to have met North Korean head of state Kim Jong Un, and a friend of U.S. President Donald Trump, said on Monday he thought the two leaders could work out a deal.”

“The US ambassador to the United Nations, Kelly Kraft, said on Wednesday that another Arab country would join the process of normalization with Israel within the next two days.
In statements to Al-Arabiya, Kraft said that another Arab nation will conduct a peace deal with Israel and more will quickly follow suit, likely "within the next day or two".


05/08/21 12:10 PM

#372848 RE: hookrider #372764

"I'm really sorry you lost the election."

But it's time to wipe away the tears and wipe your butts and get over it. You un-American, unpatriotic assholes! You are a disgrace to our country.

Not only are you naive patsies that give away your money to two-bit con artists, you are undeserving of any sympathy from your friends or your family. In short, you are friggin' stupid.

The Chinese did not slip in ballots made out of bamboo and nobody hid a box under the table just so you could see them on television. How ignorant can one person be?

The incompetent liar lost the election and persuaded you to give him money to fight the results. He never paid his lawyers. He kept your money. He laughed behind your backs. You were played for a fool.

So, isn't it about time to wake the hell up!