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05/07/21 3:26 PM

#372738 RE: Da Kine 17 #372736

Your graphic is a classic case of you not being able to discern which one is different from the others, as has been pointed out to you. The graphic shows two winners, and a loser. I am not sure what you are even trying to demonstrate there... Shitgibbon lost, obama and biden won, get over it, for the 25th time.


05/07/21 3:33 PM

#372741 RE: Da Kine 17 #372736

second time you posted that shit here today and you only have one more chance before the good nurse comes to take your laptop away.

Joe Biden is your President, and this is 2021.


05/07/21 3:38 PM

#372743 RE: Da Kine 17 #372736

the elite amuse the masses into submission with a mind-numbing drug called Soma and an endless buffet of casual sex.

I vaguely remember those times but I think the drug of choice was 'ludes.


05/07/21 3:41 PM

#372745 RE: Da Kine 17 #372736

“Within the next generation I believe that the world's rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.”
~Aldous Huxley.

Well that is happening, you scream for it, you embrace it every time you support Trump and try and destroy the institutions that would protect us from it....

Both parties are corrupted, so we are left with the choice of the lesser of two evils which by far is the left...The right is headlong down the path you say want to avoid...

Chris Hedges,,,

Few look beyond the superficial, the expediency of 'today'


05/07/21 4:05 PM

#372752 RE: Da Kine 17 #372736

More ppl know then you think...

Read utter nonsense, and believe it.

Suddenly, there was an opportunity to test the mRNA vaccines...These jabs are not really vaccines at all, but a form of gene therapy.

That's pure bullshit. Since you posted it, do explain the exact steps mRNA it would take to integrate into the DNA, in the nucleus of a human cell. Hint: It can't. After a few days at the most, mRNA has been degraded. So much for the melodramatic "potential disastrous consequences down the road".


05/07/21 4:37 PM

#372757 RE: Da Kine 17 #372736

Da Kine 17, The trolls here support this cheat - 530,000 refunds and a $64 million payments lesson for all

Da Kine 17, Too many lies about Trump trying to stop. Trump has been a part of all you dislike about America since he was born.

Da Kine 17, Your continual harping on the Clintons' criminal empire when the American legal system is well attuned to dealing with broken laws by either of them violates any reasonable community standard.
Your pushing your anti-mask ignorance borders on the criminal negligence as did Trump's ..
"Let me ask you this.... has anything I’ve posted here violated any reasonable “community standards” that it can’t be tolerated?"
P - Above all your selfishness and your desire to push your junk where it is not appreciated is evidence of your
lack of consideration for others feelings to a degree that violates "any reasonable “community standards”.

Da Kine 17, Shame on you for still defending the viciously corrupt former president Donald Trump.
Donald Trump’s history of corruption: a comprehensive review
"A rap sheet for a former president
Trump and father charged with racist housing discrimination back about the '70s. Refused to pay contractors and workers what they were owed. Trump university settlement. Fraud is criminal. Stormy Daniels payoff. Understating property value to avoid tax. Overstating property value to gain loans. Fraud is still criminal. Abuse of the Hatch Act. Bribery. Obstruction of justice."

As for Aldous Huxley's warnings of authoritarian oppression it is Trump who is fighting to delegitimatize your election process with falsity and fearmongering. It isn't the left. It is your authoritarian criminal, Trump.

As for your source for that twisting of Huxley's work for the purposes of demonizing the left see one 8y-old

Zero Hedge is a popular batshit insane finance blog run by an anonymous founder who posts articles under the name "Tyler Durden," after Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club antagonist personality. Tyler claims to be a "believer in a sweeping conspiracy that casts the alumni of Goldman Sachs as a powerful cabal at the helm of U.S. policy, with the Treasury and the Federal Reserve colluding to preserve the status quo." His solution actually mirrors the anatagonist in Fight Club in that Tyler wants to lead a catastrophic market crash in order to destroy banking institutions and bring back "real" free market capitalism.
P - The only writer very conclusively identified is Dan Ivandjiiski, who conducts public interviews on behalf of Zero Hedge.
2013 -


05/07/21 4:45 PM

#372759 RE: Da Kine 17 #372736

Where is the P R O O F of your total votes for Trump vs. Obama??