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05/07/21 2:33 PM

#372729 RE: BullNBear52 #372728

We’re not asking you to storm the beaches of Iwo Jima; we’re asking you to walk into a damn CVS.

Shit, we’re not even asking you to step off the Higgins boat for an unopposed landing on Guadalcanal.


05/07/21 3:40 PM

#372744 RE: BullNBear52 #372728

Our Pathetic Herd Immunity Failure

Could today’s version of America have been able to win World War II? It hardly seems possible.

A more pointed question is whether today's America could have gotten behind mass vaccination programs for: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, and smallpox? Especially in children. Or would a Freddy have come screaming out of the woodwork "Monsters!"? If the smallpox vaccination had been invented 20 yrs ago, would there be any hope if its eradication from the US today? As in: "OMG look at the scar it left behind on the arm of my child! Evil! "Monsters!".

The WW2 Greatest Generation had a common attribute that seems lacking today. They had common sense. If the US government backed a public campaign to eradicate polio, they got behind it. There were no thoughts it was a deep state conspiracy involving alien Lizard people out to control our minds. If a bad batch of polio vaccine slipped through, they didn't storm the Congressional Capital Bldg. Instead they accepted it. And later re-vaccinated with the oral vaccine in trust. They didn't accuse Salk&Sabin of creating a hoax to make money off of. Yep, they trusted the US gov.

We're down to trusting the Covid virus is running out of mutational tricks. If not then with the Freddies running around it's yearly booster shot time. While the anti-VAXers cull their own herd by reinfecting each other, over and over. Hopefully the economic and social costs won't be large for the rest of us.


05/07/21 5:23 PM

#372767 RE: BullNBear52 #372728

CV, flu, whatever is the next one to come

You are simply not going to get everyone vaccinated

Some don’t believe in a vaccines
Some have religious influences
Some believe in freedom of choice
Some are misinformed

I think I read 4mm per day April 1 now about 1.5 and still falling. Now it’s time for the booster shot for many.