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05/07/21 10:15 AM

#13050 RE: CyberCall™ #13049

you didnt change your mind---you were lied to and pressured to sell by your con artist lawyer and there are no notarized signatures period....


05/07/21 10:36 AM

#13054 RE: CyberCall™ #13049

You did NOTT change your mind. You had been CONfused by the CONflicted self-dealing lawyer who had taken advantage of a mentally incapacitated, drug-addicted, disabled person. Once you realized that you had been defrauded and betrayed by the lawyer who was representing you, and to whom you had paid valuable consideration to act as your lawyer, you realized you had been swindled and that the CONtract was invalid and you now seek to have it rescinded by the Court as a void CONtract executed by an incompetent, misled, misinformed victim of a crooked lawyer.

THAT is what happened. No mind was changed. You simply realized you had been betrayed and ripped off by a self-dealing rapacious lawyer who was nott even eligible to represent you or render legal advice to you in Michigan nor to the corporation in Florida. But he took your money and also stole your corporation under false pretenses and self-dealing.

Now to the Tennessee volk, you pray for sanctions against the rapacious, self-dealing, double-dealing, CONflicted lawyer who swindled you and who had no legal authority to represent or counsel you. You unknowingly relied on his misinformation to your severe detriment and loss. You feel that he defrauded you.

You are a disabled person in Michigan with an opioid addiction subsequent to a severe physical injury which has left you in chronic, unremitting pain. You were taken advantage of by a Tenneessee lawyer who claimed to represent you and who took money for doing so, but in realiy he screwed you over and swindled your corporation away from you for a pittance.

This reprehensible victimization of a chronically disabled person requires strong sanctions against the attorney and monetary penalties and recissin of his self-dealing CONtracts that he goaded you into while knowing you lacked the competence to make such decisions on your own behalf.

THIS is exactly how it went down and are the exact best words to describe it to TN.


05/07/21 2:26 PM

#13073 RE: CyberCall™ #13049

That's a absolutely wrong headed thing to do.
Mr. Principal, admit you were lied to and deceived. Get it through your effected brain that you did not change your mind, you were directly, criminally ripped off.
Your ONLY recourse, THE ONLY ONE is to do what shanj has outlined, WORD FOR WORD. Accept your mistake. Write it to the Tennessee board EXACTLY like he wrote it. You are getting a huge gift and the one chance to get your company and stock back.

QUIT thinking about yourself and blurting this junk out on the public airwaves. You have XU himself attacking you here. He and his crew are egging you on and still pressuring you. Do not pay attention any more.

Write and file that paragraph TODAY, NOW!! DO NOT add any other personal crap to it about pain, god or cars. Matter of fact, let your wife have a copy of that post and have her write it and you can NOT change it.

ADMIT YOU WERE STOLEN FROM AND TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF. It happens, to the best of them. Get over your ego and save your company from these crooks.

You may never get anything so straight from a lawyer again like shanj.
And you may never get anything straight from me again either because I'm pulling no punches. I detest the xu crew scammers more than I dislike you.