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05/06/21 9:14 PM

#39678 RE: Carjockey2 #39677

Youch! Glad I only had beer money here.


05/06/21 10:54 PM

#39721 RE: Carjockey2 #39677

re: the RETC hijacking attempt - That's exactly what I was telling a friend in an email conversation yesterday and today. The defendant wasn't given due process.

And I fully expected that the judge would terminate the temporary order at the defendant's request for a full and fair hearing.

George Sharp never should have misled the RETC investors into thinking he gained custodianship of RETC.

A temporary order is not a permanent order. There is a massive, massive difference.

The stock gapped way up because of George's misleading tweet declaring victory yesterday, and tons of people saw their investments go red during the day today.

Now, it will gap down tomorrow and investors will suffer even more losses all because Sharp jumped the gun and declared victory too soon.

And what a horrible spin in his new tweets, saying he's going to allow the judge to set aside his order without turning it into a court battle against RETC's attorney because it's the right thing to do.

The judge would have set aside the order with or without Sharp's blessing. Because that's how due process works.

And then trying to convince people that his only real goal wasn't to win custodianship of RETC - it was to force RETC management to pay their late fees to the Nevada SOS.

What did he really accomplish then? He created a pump & dump, and the RETC toxic lenders will just continue diluting and pushing the float closer to that 20 billion A/S (that he mistakenly thought was 2 billion).

And if getting RETC active at the NV SOS was really his main goal, then what will his excuse be when/if MEIL responds to that petition? MEIL is already active at the NV SOS. He isn't forcing them to do anything except waste money on legal bills to prevent a shell hijacker from trying to steal their company.

Sure Sharp will do well on his 300,000 MEIL shares he front loaded around $.025/share whether or not the MEIL custodianship is successful.

And he will do well on his RETC shares he front loaded on that stock around $.001/share (however many he owns), even if he has to dismiss the case because RETC hired an attorney to prevent the hijacking of their company, but people that chased RETC up on his victory tweet - not so much.

If Sharp was really in any of this to actually do anything good, he should just shut up and do it. No tweets, no press releases, no fan fair, no victory laps.

It is obviously way more about the money and the fame than it is about what is right.

And his lust for money and fame is going to get him in a lot of trouble some day if he doesn't start being more careful.