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05/06/21 7:56 PM

#372641 RE: stock_observer_77 #372637

And you attribute everything that ties you shorts in a bunch to Biden.

Only a matter of time 'till a 'Thanks Joe' meme pops up.

Golf outing rained out......Thanks Joe.


05/06/21 8:02 PM

#372642 RE: stock_observer_77 #372637

stock_observer_77: "But you people correlate everything back to Trump. Typical."

Trump always wants to be the "center of attention". So we make him one!!!!!


05/06/21 8:42 PM

#372646 RE: stock_observer_77 #372637

LOL, you buy half a million in lumber a year according to your posts.

Trust me, I'm not happy about it either but It's what we do.

Maybe you're telling the truth but I don't see it anywhere in there.

I think you complain about lumber prices because you're stupid. Supply and demand controls the market, always has, always will.

If I made 400k plus a year I definitely wouldn't be spouting conspiracy theories here. I'd definitely have better things to do.