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05/06/21 6:04 PM

#372630 RE: crossball #372616

That's just more wishful thinking from no doubt a charter member of the 'lock her up' crowd. $100 says the number will not remotely approach the sorry record chronicled below.

Side bet; $50 that Rudy is indicted before anyone in the Biden administration is. Money, meet mouth.

Breaking|Aug 20, 2020, 12:56pm EDT

Bannon Joins Long List Of Trump Associates Who Have Been Charged Or Imprisoned

Jemima McEvoy
Forbes Staff


I'm a British-born reporter covering breaking news for Forbes.

TOPLINE Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon was arrested on Thursday after being charged with fraud in connection to the “We Build the Wall” fundraising campaign, joining a sizable list of President Trump’s associates to have been charged or imprisoned on criminal counts.

A sizable list of President Trump’s associates have been charged or ...


Steve Bannon’s indictment, which claims that he, along with three others, defrauded hundreds of thousands of donors to the “We Build the Wall” fundraising scheme for personal profit, makes him the third and final campaign manager involved in Trump’s 2016 election to have faced criminal charges.

Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s campaign head starting from January 2015, was arrested on misdemeanor battery charges for grabbing the arm of Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields in March 2016, whose allegations, though proven by video footage, were later dropped.

Lewandowski’s charges were dwarfed by those against successor Paul Manafort, who was sentenced to more than seven years in prison in 2019 for a slew of charges from Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian election interference, including tax and bank fraud, and conspiracy against the United States.

The Mueller probe resulted in 100 charges against 34 people, six of whom were Trump associates, while the other 25 were Russians accused of interference.

Rick Gates, a Trump campaign deputy, was sentenced to 45 days in jail on a plea bargain for charges of conspiracy against the U.S. and making false statements; Michael Flynn, Trump’s first national security advisor, pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, though his case is currently in limbo as the Department of Justice is attempting to withdraw his charge; and George Papadopoulos, Trump’s former foreign policy advisor, was sentenced to 14 days in prison with a year of supervised release, for lying to FBI agents about his contacts with Russian intermediaries during the 2016 campaign.

Michael Cohen, Trump’s former personal lawyer, was sent to prison in 2018 for tax evasion, fraud and lying to Congress about his dealings with Russia on behalf of the president, and has pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations for making hush money payments to women to keep quiet allegations Trump engaged in extramarital affairs.

Trump recently commuted the prison sentence of longtime advisor Roger Stone, who was also convicted on seven charges, including lying to Congress and witness tampering, as part of Mueller’s investigation.

Then, there’s a number of slightly less central, but still Trump-connected figures who have been charged or jailed: Alex van der Zwaan and Konstantin Kilimnik, associates of Manafort and Gates who were charged with making false statements and conspiracy to obstruct justice, Sam Patten, a lobbyist who pleaded guilty to illegally funneling foreign money into Trump’s inaugural committee, and two associates of Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal attorney, who were charged with campaign-finance violations.

Key Background

Historically, it’s not uncommon for White House figures to be swept up in criminal activity. As ABC News pointed out, a top donor to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry was sent to prison for financial crimes in 2009, Bill Clinton pardoned his brother, Roger, for cocaine possession convictions while he was president and numerous of Richard Nixon’s associates were convicted in Watergate.

However, Trump’s administration has been particularly dogged by criminal scandals. Defenders of the president, including Trump himself, argue that this is because of particularly biased prosecution. Trump repeatedly criticized Mueller’s investigation as a “hoax,” “scam” and “rigged witch hunt.”

Chief Critic

“Donald Trump has run the most corrupt administration in American history,” Biden’s Deputy Campaign Manager Kate Bedingfield said on Thursday after Bannon’s indictment. “Is it really any surprise that yet another one of the grifters he surrounded himself with and placed in the highest levels of government was indicted?”

Crucial Quote

Trump almost immediately distanced himself from Bannon on Thursday, saying: “I haven’t been dealing with him for a very long period of time.”