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Eye on the prize

05/06/21 8:43 AM

#53124 RE: Big bucks #53123

I love it! Bring on the Bears....means things are getting REALLY close here. To close for comfort for some in BT. This current management is absolutely killing it. Anyone who has tried to attract/retain top talent to their startup or smaller firm/company knows you lure them by solid pay with MANY incentives on the back end. Whether it is free shares outright, restricted stock, stock options, or an IPO in the future. This company has done what has had to do throughout two very brutal stop and starts to retain and bring in top talent. The new CEO Mish is a very sharp cookie.....I wouldn’t bet against these boys. They are going to play a major part in what the FDA is about to do. The timeframe this point I have given up attempting to guess. I just know we are holding a very unique investment opportunity. Anybody who has been investing 20+ years knows a INDUSTRY DISRUPTOR when they see it. For many of you, this will propel you into retirement. For others, it will lay a very solid financial foundation for you for years to come. Sit back and enjoy the ride. It will continue to be bumpy for a little while longer but should very much be worth the wait. GLTA


05/07/21 2:08 PM

#53132 RE: Big bucks #53123

That's the oldest argument in the bear book

company is a paying zoo for the animals...thats it..well paid mgmt to lose millions every year