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05/06/21 10:17 AM

#26269 RE: biotech48 #26268

Setting aside the name calling, a better question is what exactly did you hear that was new, different and "good". I'm vocal, some don't like me (fine, I don't really care), but I communicate with shareholders in 3 countries, some heavy hitters, way bigger than me. I assure you people were not and are not happy with that excuse fest the other day. Seriously, in the years I've been in this, that was easily the worst one. I have a friend with a big investment here. He lives overseas and has NEVER been negative. Always saw the half full glass. During the cc I got a "WTF, this is not good". I'm still in, still very long. I believe in the technology (maybe more than I ought to because sales just don't seem to add up if we are so great). But this past 18 months have seen fumbles, lost orders, terrible TV interviews that you really have to question if the group at the top is capable of bringing this home. Nobody wants to touch my question about where is this Capponi guy on the cc's??? Not sure where we are headed short term. I like to think we explode long term. But sir, with all due respect, there are big shareholders who are not baby whiners who are not happy with Tuesday's performance. That is a fact. And since we are both on the same side, I hope we both make a killing here.


05/10/21 11:16 AM

#26274 RE: biotech48 #26268

Biotech, Whiney Baby here. It looks like the market has spoken regarding what it thinks of the cc and report. These incompetents need to nail down the FDA pathway and turn it over to folks who have a clue. Sell the company.