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05/05/21 1:17 PM

#42373 RE: joeytakasugi #42371

Ok, thanks for clarifying. Someone on here the other day alluded to the CAFC granting an appeal, which may not have been guaranteed.

Patience to success

05/05/21 1:23 PM

#42374 RE: joeytakasugi #42371

Last appeal to CAFC , it took 18 months from filing to final decision. And from Casper sent to PTAB total time 2 years to be done at PTAB. So I guess will take average 18 months to get result from CAFC .
However, CAFC just took very short time in VRNG case , do not know why. If I remember correctly VRNG vs Google about 4-4.5 years done.