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Eye on the prize

05/05/21 9:24 AM

#53109 RE: rightcoast1 #53108

Yup....and we now know “officially” why Scott Gotlieb resigned. He knew Trump would not allow him to carry out his mission of the Low Nicotine mandate. He got the tobacco age raised from 18-21 and left. Make no mistake, a low nicotine mandate is coming. Whether it is in the form that every tobacco company must offer a VLN product to start or just a flat out low nicotine mandate on all combustible cigs , we should all find out by the FDA Fall Agenda at the latest. My personal opinion is simple...once we get MRTP, the game is on and buyout offers will come fast and furious for the tobacco side of XXIi. My educated guess is that serious conversations are well under way....this could be a very big revenue stream for an industry in flux....