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05/04/21 2:40 PM

#28659 RE: Stockman1010101 #28656

Lol 13 or 19 they are screwed period. Nice shopping today!


05/04/21 2:41 PM

#28660 RE: Stockman1010101 #28656

Correction: Its 13 to 1, not 19 to 1. At these multiples who cares the problem for the shorts is still the same?

For every real share there were 13 fake shares borrowed by the shorts as reported by another poster here. So, for 450M shares in AMC FLOAT = 1/2 Billion shares. So 13 x 1/2 billion shares = 6.5 billion shares needed to close all the short positions. If we all sell our 1/2 Billion shares back shorts still need another 6 billion shares to cover/close all their short position. Big banks are getting very nervous about this that is why they cashed out some bonds in the $billions to have cash around to buy AMC shares and bail out their HF partners. Anyway MMs do not have 6 billion real shares to sell to the HF to help them close their position. Thus The Mother of All Short Squeezes will commence even if the big banks try to buy shares at current prices. There is simply not enough real shares printed to cover all the short positions. That is why all the AMC experts here and on the Internet are saying the AMC share price could go to $1000, $5000, $10,000, $100,000 and beyond. The secret to get it this high is for the APES TO HOLD/HLOD till the APEX price is reached not be tempted to sell AMC stock at $100 pps. Because that would be the bottom of the SQUEEZE IMHO.