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05/04/21 12:11 PM

#121692 RE: highlandernew #121691

Proof of a negative is a form of logical fallacy. BlackTree has zero (as in nada, zilch, none, no) verifiable history of procuring funding, in any form, for anyone.

It's web history and presence is close to non-existent, and it appears to be a single-person shop, much like MMEX, with a facade of "personnel" built around it.

There is no deal history available from any credible, legitimate source, no PR related to success in this, or any other sector. It is a fraud like MMEX.

Pumpers and share promotors rely on incomplete, or non-existent DD in scams like this - back to existence proof - there is none. Thus, BlackTree is a bottom-feeder, or worse, based on the total absence of track-record.

jmjjw, MMEX's BlackTree is a BOTTOM-FEEDER? LINK please?


What are your thoughts about this?

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05/04/21 1:38 PM

#121693 RE: highlandernew #121691

Here’s some insight into the almost certain fraudulent “relationship” between MMEX and BlackTree.

If you even bothered to read the agreement, it’s likely you didn’t comprehend it. It is also clear you’ve no insight or experience in project finance.

First off, the agreement is contingency-based. This is not how legitimate deal teams orchestrate project financing or syndicate formation. There are few, if any cases in which a deal-broker raise is successful. The JV has no reason to provide ownership interest in the project to a deal-broker - it is poison - no legit JV deal gets done this way.

The proposed structure forms JV entities, known as Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV) or Special Purpose Companies (SPC), in this fraudulent case giving the BlackTree SPV/SPC entity a 60% ownership in the deal. Of course, that is totally, completely bogus. Why would the consortium of capital interests give away 60% of the deal to a bottom-feeding deal-broker? Here’s a clue - they wouldn’t.

The other 40% is “owned” by an MMEX-controlled party to the fantasy - recall MMEX owns no IP, has no proprietary technology, no luminary management or technical team, no experience in the sector, and adds less than zero value. MMEX is an insolvent Nevada shell, sitting atop more than $40-million in cumulative losses and current liability. It has no business operations, no production capability, no products, no employees, no suppliers, and no customers. MMEX has never generated a fraction of a cent in its history. If those aren’t sufficient negatives and deal killers, the 37-billion share super-dilutive equity structure is a deal killer in and of itself. No consortium would pull MMEX into a project financing syndicate, for those, and many other reasons.

Infrastructure projects have a 10-year to 20-year return cycle - Hanks will die of old age before any of the project (if it ever happened, and it won’t) paid out. Legit project teams are specialized - they are never compensated up-front, never compensated with ownership positions (conflict of interest), and have no bottom-feeding deal-broker in the mix. Doesn’t happen, never will.

Of course the penny-scamming promoters, Hanks, et. al. rely on their marks having no knowledge of any of this, let alone the ability to comprehend it.