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05/03/21 7:17 PM

#56709 RE: Supernova12 #56703

will only continue to load more ...

knowing "new management" is taking this to the next level

just follow the recent OTC filings, and you will see

besides I wouldn't even paper train my puppy on that article

Wog's Wog's Baby....!


05/04/21 9:09 AM

#56811 RE: Supernova12 #56703

Supernova12, respectfully, with that thought...

Respectfully, that article is from 2017 and we are now in 2021. I would suggest to do a little more digging to find "what you think" you are searching for regarding WOGI and you will see that you won't find it. The old management and anything associated with the old team is gone... period.

This is truly a New Beginning!
