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05/03/21 5:51 PM

#28320 RE: Stockman1010101 #28319

I said it before. It is pertinent now more than ever. IGNORE THE NOISE! When the news seems overwhelming negative, just remember that people are dying to go out to the movies as recent ticket sells prove. The stock price will only go up as a result.
I ignored the noise and bought more shares today.


05/03/21 6:45 PM

#28327 RE: Stockman1010101 #28319

I don't get this thesis... While I understand what caused the gme squeeze, to think short sellers would let that happen again to themselves makes little sense to me... I'm not trying to argue, please just help me understand why they wouldn't buy at $9s rather than being forced to cover at $100..
I know they couldn't cover millions of shares without causing a move up, is the thought they aren't covering at all?


05/04/21 8:35 AM

#28432 RE: Stockman1010101 #28319

It’s looking like 13/1, for every valid share there’s 12-13 fake ones. Talk about doubling down but how about thirteen-dulping down is a how new stupid.