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04/30/21 3:14 PM

#162616 RE: Bill_ENG #162614

BillEng- I’m with you I’m not sure how that’s considered a fail, the fail was on the part of CyDy management and the trial design. The lack of perception on our part left the door wide open for things to be twisted and turned in order to extract a negative viewpoint. That being said that a strong showing of our drug vs the SOC . It kills me everytime I use Remdesivir and have to apply the SOC label


04/30/21 3:25 PM

#162621 RE: Bill_ENG #162614

Yes 166% improvement over SOC on NEWS2 scores, meaning the patients did not progress to the next stage

You have no idea if they progressed to the next stage or not. Also, no one has talked about NEWS2 for a long, long time.

The M2M trial had 83 patients. It had over 60 secondary endpoints. A p value of .05 should be achieved 5% of the time through random luck. So the M2M trial should have had a p value on 3 of the 60 secondary endpoints on average even if it was saline. It only had a p value on 2 out of 60.

Remember when Nader had all of you convinced that he was going to get an EUA from England for the M2M trial? Come to find out, no governments were willing to even consider giving an expensive mab to patients who were going to overwhelmingly recover on their own.

The stock price started falling on July 21st because of the poor M2M trial results. It slowly bled from $6.75 on July 21st to $2.76 on August 18th. So Nader lied. He made people think he would get an EUA in England and he said that he had officially applied for an EUA in the US. Both were complete lies intended to help the suffering stock price. How many times does Nader need to deceive before shareholders stop believing him?