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04/29/21 9:43 PM

#735 RE: DragonBear #721

If you can have a respectful, adult dialogue, unlike your friends, then we can debate, but if you are going to have a shitty attitude in every post, well I have had enough of being the adult in the room for one day. If you want to try to insult me, like your friends tried to do, and like you have already tried to do, then you can find another board to learn from. We are talking about a "pandemic", not the playoffs. Get it?

That being said...

Is that the reason the infection, and hospitalization rates for 65+ have plummeted upon vaccination?

No, hospitalization rates for 65+ drop when flu season comes to a close.

Sort of a crude statement. Yes, a muscle cell

Not a crude statement at all. It is actually exactly precise. It is administered directly into the muscle cells and is expected to work into the immune system through that avenue. It is not intravenous or subcutaneous. It is specifically, precisely, and only intramuscular.

The Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine is administered as a 2-dose series, 1 month apart, into the muscle.

No, preclinical animal testing wasn't skipped.

Yes, it was skipped. Skipped means not done when they were supposed to have been done, or not done in the order they were supposed to have be done. The paper you just posted about primates is from November 2020. Human Beings were already being injected 7 months before that:

"Researchers rush to test coronavirus vaccine in people without knowing how well it works in animals":
March 11, 2020

"NIH clinical trial of investigational vaccine for COVID-19 begins":
March 16, 2020

That also covers the bullshit of
or their immune systems overreacted with a way worse cytokine storm than they would have had otherwise.

Wrong again. I was never talking about animal trials that were done AFTER human trials in order to put lipstick on the pig as she squeals out the door for prom at the last minute. I also wasn't talking about Covid animal mRNA vaccine testing specifically, but was referring to mRNA tests prior to the existence of SARSCOV2. The covid vaccines themselves are obviously already damaging humans just fine on their own now. No ferrets, cats, monkeys, or mice needed to tell us that. Seen the body sores or paralysis yet?

As for the argument the vaccines are unapproved, that's another straw man nonsensical argument. Pfizer has already indicated they will seek official FDA approval with a BLA filing. That will be based on the current ongoing Phase 3 trials that were used to justify the EUA. The FDA will most likely make them wait till the "Estimated Primary Completion" date Oct 2021, before approving the BLA under accelerated status. Moderna will also be filing their BLA on the heels of Pfizer. Poor little J&J is about 6 months behind on the timeline.

Thank you for doing the debunking for me on that one. So they ARE unapproved. Nothing straw man about that. If a public company said their drug had FDA approval, but they really meant they were "seeking" FDA approval, they would be liable, and likely suspended by the SEC. Anything else you would like to address?
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04/29/21 9:47 PM

#736 RE: DragonBear #721

"Northbrook woman contracts breakthrough COVID-19 infection after vaccination":
Apr 29, 2021

There will be more. You can bet on it.
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04/29/21 9:54 PM

#737 RE: DragonBear #721

Oh, also regarding "hospitalization rates for 65+". Those numbers, and the case numbers for all ages, have been an inflated lie from the beginning. So, they can go down whenever the CDC wants them to.

A whole lot of people in hospitals were told they had covid simply because they had flu symptoms(or no symptoms at all) and a positive PCR test, the results of which have been complete BS. It was never even an honest method of determining an infection. Most doctors weren't prepared to have to discern between truth and falsehood from the CDC. They just followed protocol. I know so many people who were told they had covid, and they never even had a symptom.
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04/29/21 10:21 PM

#740 RE: DragonBear #721

Read between the lines in that article please. Do you see how they are referring to deaths after vaccination as "breakthrough covid deaths"? They are attributing vaccine deaths to covid, which dishonestly raises the covid death count(what doesn't these days?), and it dishonestly lowers the fatality rate of the vaccines.

Silver is one of the dozens of breakthrough COVID-19 cases in Illinois. Of those cases, 97 people have been hospitalized, and 32 have died

Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination

To date, Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has not detected patterns in cause of death that would indicate a safety problem with COVID-19 vaccines.

See? They just lie. They skew the words by saying something like "has not detected patterns". How about deaths? Why doesn't the CDC have running death count numbers for the vaccine splashed on the top of the page, like they do for pumping covid? Disingenuous at best. EVERY single corner you turn with covid, you find some degree of dishonesty. They call the 32 deaths in Illinois "small numbers", when just one death from covid was enough to start the lockdowns. BS BS BS.
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04/29/21 10:26 PM

#741 RE: DragonBear #721

Do you have a definitive number of how many people have died in the united states from the vaccines? I even have to take the 32 deaths in Illinois mentioned in that article with a grain of salt because they are likely mislabeling other vaccine deaths.
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04/29/21 10:31 PM

#744 RE: DragonBear #721

Oh, I should issue a correction. I meant October, not November for your primate paper. Your animal tests were 6 months after the fact, not 7. I had multiple papers on my screen simultaneously. No matter. Better late than never right? Tell that to the dead people.