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04/27/21 9:47 PM

#23 RE: knuts4oe #22

It sounds like Anatabine could do the job.

Knuts said, “ ‘Furthermore, they found that infected gut cells mounted a pro-inflammatory response to the virus by pumping up levels of the transcription factor NFkB and the cytokine TNF.’ Does the last sentence sound like MYMD-1 could do the job!”


04/28/21 6:01 PM

#25 RE: knuts4oe #22

See this link, MyMD-1 drug might work on covid-19...
According to Report published by many scientists on Nature Medicine... its matching 100%... very interesting. Read the abstract...


04/29/21 8:45 AM

#27 RE: knuts4oe #22

I read this post with great interest. In Star Scientific days a lot of board participants became aware of the relationship between out of control NF-kB and an astonishing range of diseases.

The MyMD-1 molecule may turn out to be of surprisingly great importance.