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04/26/21 12:17 PM

#338195 RE: Amrsto1000 #338194

Amrsto1000, we may not agree on this.

MMs control the stock. The only rules that controls them are 'reasonable market making' requirements and and for brokers the serve customers first (=you cannot make a transaction for a related department as long as other transactions at the SAME price have not been served - even if they have a less good order initiation time-stamp).

MM will ALWAYS first dig before climb. Fear works better then greed. Dig=fear based (a stop loss for instance is an expression that one fears that the PPS is going to go down below a certain limit.).
Climb= greed based (a high hanging sell order is an expression of the eventuality that the PPS reaches an at first impression not expected height).

AIMO, we do not have to agree on this, there is no 'text book' rule, its what goes around on WS.