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04/24/21 7:59 PM

#25742 RE: Rick53 #25741

Get on Youtube and watch some videos by dozens of people who can educate you on why AMC is going to $1000+ and not just $100+. AMC fundamentals are about to explode in the positive direction as well with all the new summer movie hits being exclusively released to AMC Theaters in the coming months.
Wake up and smell the coffee and you will understand what all the talk/hype is about. Its a major movement now. Get on board this rocket ship it wont wait at $10+ for long.
I would go on web page and search on "AMC Short Squeeze". You will get many videos from many average people like you and I all saying the same thing. We are going to squeeze to the Moon.


04/24/21 8:51 PM

#25745 RE: Rick53 #25741

Great question. Middle of January I thought GME and AMC was a movement based on hype....then I did my DD and found out HF and Market Makers have been scheming and taking advantage of COVID government liquidity rules put in place March 2020. To sum this up....HF shorted stocks they thought would go bankrupt due to COVID....and they did so by over leveraging short positions when government reduce/stopped enforcement. Government gave these funds 6 months to unwind their positions in October 2020. Instead of unwinding, these funds MAXED out short positions in a massive predatory abuse of Market Makers Exempt Naked Shorting in the name of “liquidity”. GME DD uncovered crimes that are unimaginable. Citadel has been been gaming OUR pension funds since ~ 2008. APES are out to liquidate Citadel because the SEC has FAILED ‘US’**for the past 13 years.

Buy $AMC Hold and Citadel gets either margin called by big bank or liquidated by USG via SEC enforcement of new DTCC rules.

**us and U.S. population



04/24/21 11:02 PM

#25755 RE: Rick53 #25741

honestly, if Gamestonk can go to $500, AMC can go to at least $50, will it, who knows, all i know is $AMC isn't going back to $5