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04/24/21 11:54 AM

#38844 RE: Mrvince #38841

Along with other treatments, ZYESAMI will bring normalcy back to the whole world as a main player during the next 18-24 months. It will be in every household in the western and Eastern world but also in the emerging countries. These emerging countries will be very important because Zyesami will be affordable even for the poorest countries. But it will also be a new Big Drug for all kind of lung issues. The patent is good for several more years from this year on. And of course This will be at a few dollars only days after first approval. And weeks after we will be listed on the main exchanges. It's as easy as that. No need for RS and two digits latest when the inhaler is on the market. And have a look in 24 month. My guess? Three digits.
After markets crashes that may come, stocks like us will be a save harbor for a huge number of investors. So I think we are fine.
GLTA traders, HANS at y@h00 RLFTF conversations


04/24/21 2:40 PM

#38848 RE: Mrvince #38841

There are lots of professionals here who have been through lots of reverse splits with penny stocks. We do know what we are talking about. It's always a risk with very high O/S penny stocks. It is what it is, and words won't change that. Yes, periods are peoples friends.