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04/23/21 3:08 PM

#371322 RE: DragonBear #371321

PCR test they are using are only loaded with Sars-2 RNA so everything comes up (ccp virus) roses


04/23/21 3:26 PM

#371324 RE: DragonBear #371321

Where do you get all of these strange ideas?

They go to the last page of the internet and work their way up.


You have finally reached the end of the internet!
There's nothing more to see, no more links to visit.
You've done it all.
This is the very last page on the very last server at the very far end of the internet.

You should now turn off your computer and go do something useful with the rest of your life. *


Read a book
Do some public service
Personally interact with your neighbors that you've probably only met online
Plant a tree
Introduce yourself to those other people who live at your house (your family).

* Please don't forget to turn off the lights on your way out.

In order to save time, we will now start downloading the internet to your local drive.


04/23/21 3:47 PM

#371326 RE: DragonBear #371321

Anyone who pretends to know much about virology but posts Flu has been cured. is clearly trolling. The trolls flood the board with nonsense, mostly just disruption, which makes more nuanced discussions and arguments difficult.

First it seemed like people were upset about perceived censorship of unreliable and deceptive blogs and sites, then the next day they was calling for ddf to be banned, hard to please everyone, so we mostly stick to our board rules.

I think it is cool that you offer sane explanations but these goofs never react to real information and certainly never seem to learn from it. It is the reaction that they crave, they are like infectious disease wanna-bes, and while our collective immune system easily defeats them, it is like having a pay toilet in a diarrhea ward.