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04/22/21 12:27 PM

#371171 RE: wEaReLeGiOn #371168

Math is not his strong suit.

Cases are dropping as more people are getting vaccinated.


04/22/21 1:20 PM

#371177 RE: wEaReLeGiOn #371168

Freddy's great joy in life would be to disparage people who've had the vaccination succumbing to some unforeseen malady.

More like he reads a FACT SHEET, and then assumes an anaphylactic reaction is going to occur in nearly everyone. Did little Freddy attend public school without any vaccinations? After all any vaccination can cause an anaphylactic reaction.

Little Freddy proclaims since he had the original wildtype Covid, he's now immune. Nice thought, but he'll find out different. Freddy should attend weekly anti-VAXer Covid parties to reassure himself, that he's immune. Take those masks off, and get as drunk as a skunk. Just trust that immunity in the coming months. Variants... what's that? And if little Freddy should start to feel sick, no problem... just snort some Flonase up the nose, or some other cortical steroid. By means known only to Dr Stella Immanuel snorting something up your nose is bound to protect your heart muscle, liver, kidneys, etc, from Covid. Maybe they can practice snorting "something" at their anti-VAXer Covid parties? How about snorting some Ivermectin horse paste from Tractor Supply? Worms on the carpet?

Meanwhile those of us vaccinated are doomed in 2 yrs. After taking the Moderna booster mRNA1272-351 in the Fall, I'll probably have Covid spikes growing out of my forehead. The original Freddy prediction we'll all have that diabolical Gates nano-chip in us. Hillary and the Lizard people using the vaccine to turn us into rabid baby eating cannibals?

"Oh the humanity" - radio narrative during the Hindenburg blimp burning.