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04/19/21 10:29 AM

#41802 RE: looneystocks #41801

Yes, accounting adjustments or impairments are common, but they rarely damage a public firm's value long-term. Accounting fraud among S&P 500-type stocks has been almost non-existent since Sarbanes Oxley in 2002. I anticipate about one or two devastating frauds a year among the 2,500 NYSE and 1,400 top-tier Nasdaq stocks. Fraud risk is lower still for firms with operations inside the US.

You mentioned PLUG which trades on Nasdaq's lowest quality tier, the Capital Markets which is home to a lot of rubbish. IMO it's best to avoid CM stocks.

As a retired lawyer with a CPA son, I collect monumentally atrocious stocks like Franklin Mining because it's interesting and educational to watch them blow up.

I've been investing since age 19, long, long ago. I've never lost a cent due to significant accounting fraud.