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Tiger Money

04/19/21 4:37 AM

#38518 RE: go_wamu #38517

Dude....gem funded them both....

Tiger Money

04/19/21 4:55 AM

#38521 RE: go_wamu #38517

#2 - wow they finally got of their lazy asses to talk to the Germans? Yo - em boys, the pandemic began over a year ago. Did they feel obligated to do their job or something since they probably ran out of their get rich dilution shares they took stole from investors?

Gem kinda gave big a big F U to the lazy relief team by funding the study anyway.

Funny how the relief clowns wouldn’t fund anymore of the study as those clowns are broke anyway. That dirtbag group has no money.

Therefore, my opinion, why the wouldn’t fund the original study into completion, because GEM probably cut Ram and the clowns off after watching them do nothing at all to help the cause. I could be wrong but since GEM funded the entirety of the study, lazy ram and his clown team will not receive anymore GEM money themselves as GEM had to watch king lazy and his team dilute and pay themselves to live on their high horses while Dr j did all the work.

Tell me why an investment banker is the chairman of the lazies? Ramster works in ny covering the Heath care sector for an investment bank. How did he have time to play his fiduciary role as chairman? He clearly didn’t as the truth of he and the lazies has most like come to fruition.

Money $hot

04/19/21 5:12 AM

#38522 RE: go_wamu #38517

If you follow the posts then you would understand what I mean by saying - Make That 3.

I merely check in here periodically for entertainment purposes.

Beyond that, have at your angle.

It may be helpful to others.

