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04/18/21 11:59 PM

#1561 RE: MinnieM #1560

Think about this and ask why

The covid-19 virus has not been isolated

Given this fact

What is the PCR test actually testing for

More importantly

How can there be a vaccine made

On something that has never been isolated

Which begs the question

What are we being tested or vaccinated for

Let alone what the mRNA solutions do

When injected into you

It is my understanding that mRNA shots

Permanently altering one's immune system

To prevent it from acting in it's natural capacity

The way nature intended

To shut off the inflammation response once a virus is killed

To the cleanup crew

The Spike protein kills off the clean up crew of the immune system

So, when a new infection come on board

The inflammation part of the process isn't told to stand down

leaving the immune system to attack the internal organs

Without remorse