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04/18/21 4:56 AM

#379685 RE: DrContango #379684

Doc, I luv ya, man. In Chicago you gotsa teech mee this stuph and PhotoChoppiing.

It will open upp a Hole gnu creative whirled Fermi.

I so look forward to dem daze. Hopefully COVID will be kinda-sorta manageable by then. Reelystikaly we tawking 2022 heeyah, possubblee even 2023 if Nishay slow play DaGame.

So many gut restaurants in DaLoops.

In return for teechin' me stuph, mebbe I kin gett us inna FermiLab and Argonnne and NWU iffn yu innerested in dat stuph. Fershirley UChi.

Donn gno watchu innerested in, butt we figger sumpin ~OUTT. I'm purty flexybull. Lotta stuph to do drive-a-bull in Chicano.

Putt DaCoyote InnaDaHole and grab a pizza at Giordano's.