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04/17/21 10:41 AM

#46086 RE: tryn2 #46062

Thanx for replying. Actually, the point is moot.

We're both right, and we could debate the point ad nauseam. But your reply is a good illustration of a school-of-thought that refutes whether the idiom, "the proof is in the pudding" can be regarded as a valid axiom in all cases.

You thought I was referring to the age-old metaphor of, correctness being able to be judged by whether or not the end-result is satisfactory. But I was drawing a comparison between two forms of trading techniques: the first being Due Diligence and the other, trading trends, i.e. Level 2.

The validity of my analogy, you judged based upon your perception of my statement, i.e. "the way your received it." But my use of the term "putting" was based on a quote from Rabbi Mordechai Kamenensky, who said (in referring to a passage in The Torah) that "The proof is not always in the way something is received. Sometimes the proof is in the putting." For a more detailed explanation of the story which prompted his observation, see

In using "putting" I was comparing (practice sessions) or preparation, to what actually took place on game-day (the putting). I was making an over-simplification relating to the PPS of a stock being affected more by investors loading-up, than by any due diligence done by those investors or actions, or inactions, of the company. My point being, that, research notwithstanding, all we need see, is the spike that occurred at about 3:10 pm yesterday to know that this stock is a BUY-BUY-BUY at this moment in time.

It's another example of my trading philosophy which states that "tech" (while is is useful in predicting market moves among "mainstream" stocks) doesn't work on the OTC. I believe one can save the time doing research and simply watch the Breakout Board! LOL (another over-simplification) Once one checks to see if the company has been faithful in their filings, all else one must do is watch the chart; IMHO of course.